
RB26 is a wonderful choice for “engine swapping” エンジンスワップの選択肢にRB26はグッド!

Personally speaking, I’ve always been fascinate by the idea of “Engine Swapping”. I fall in love with many cars and especially when I see an attractive old car, I imagine changing its engine and transmission to a newer one so that it would be easier to maintain and have the performance that matches the cars of today.

It’s not something new but I encountered some people who use the famous RB26 engines in BMW3 series and Holden Commodore… GT-R is special but just one product of Nissan with affordable price considering its performance. Yet, the potential in GT-R is as high as racing machines and we love it!

BMW 3Series

HOLDEN Commodore




答えはなく単なる妄想ですがつい先日、金融機関の人間と会食の際、こんな話題になった次第で・・・。これからもMade in Japanが世界に誇れるものであり続けるには、どうしたら良いのか・・・、無力ながら心配しておりますです、はい。

R33 loses acceleration battle against a mobility scooter?! 電動車椅子に負けたR33スカイライン?!

Yesterday, we featured a kick-ass R33 GT-Ron facebook. But today, an R33 Skyline’s ass was kicked by… a mobility scooter?! The buys at Garage Insanity have built something very unique. Their goal was to create the world’s fastest mobility scooter and they are now looking forward to verifying the claim with the Guinness Book of Records on August 31.

Powering this highly modded mobility scooter is a 600cc engine from Suzuki GSX-600F motorbike, with Garage Insanity having recorded a super impressive 13.281 second 1/4 mile run at 163.8 km/h.

Had it been an R33 GT-R, instead of GTS-T, things might have been a bit different.

昨日、ロンドンで撮影されたムチャクチャカッコ良いR33 GT-RをFacebookでご紹介しました。今日は・・・、R33スカイラインの敗北シーンです。しかも何に負けたって・・・、電動車椅子にです(笑)。Garage Infinityというチームがあるんですが、世界最速電動車椅子を作ろうと盛り上がっているんです。しかも、8月31日にはギネス記録に挑戦するのだとか。



D&S Night 2013 was as exciting and cool as one would naturally expect. D&Sナイト2013は想像できるとおり熱くクールなドラッグシーン

D&S Night 2013, as featured, has taken place last week at Sendai Highland Circuit. There were over 150 participants and fair bit of crowd despite the event taking place in the night. Japanese drag racing is back on track.


Nissan VR38 engines are built by TAKUMIs… 日産VR38エンジンは匠によって組み立てられる

The 3.8-liter at the front of the Nissan GT-R is the company’s pride and joy. The unit is hand-built by four craftsmen, now, at the Nissan factory in Yokohama and now the company wants them to tell their story.These men are called Takumi and you’ll find their names on the signature plates mounted on the powerplants and the video below brings us into the room where these engines are born. The Takumi aslo share their view on building these special engines.

As far as I’m concerned, Nissan should have done this from the beginning when they released R35. Nissan’s VR38 engines are ALL tested for 45minutes, consuming nealy 50l, ensuring the power output of what Nissan claims. I don’t think no other mass producing automobile manufacturer does this…

One more thing… Couldn’t Nissan hire someone who produces better films than those? lol

「Handbuilt by Takumi Kurosawa(クロサワ・タクミによる手組み)」というYouTubeビデオがNissan News Roomというチャンネルで公開されています。日産「GT-R」に搭載されているVR38エンジンには、2013年モデルからエンジン組み立てを担当した職人のネームプレートが貼られているんです。

