Tag Archives: trademark

Nissan had already gotten the trade marks of “R Hybrid” registered in Japan back in June. 6月には日産が登録していた「R Hybrid」の商標

We have brought you a story on the possible addition of a hybrid model in the lineup of GT-R day before yesterday. The trade marks have been registered in the US but I didn’t bother checking our own, Japanese registration. As one of GT-R Otaku memeber, Shin-san, pointed out to me, Nissan had submitted registrations of “R Hybird” as well as “PURE DRIVE R HYBRID” in the beginning of this year and were granted copy rights to Nissan in June.


GT-Rにハイブリッドモデルが投入されるかも、という話題の 続報です。アメリカにおける商標登録だけしかご紹介しませんでしたが、実は日本の特許庁にも「PURE DRIVE R HYBRID」ならびに「R HYRBID」はちゃーんと登録されていました。本来、ブログ執筆時に確認すべきでしたが、GT-R OTAKUのメンバー、SHINさんからの指摘で発覚しました!Many Thanks!