Tag Archives: nissan newsroom

Tokyo Auto Salon 2014: Tuned GT-Rs with Dino Dalle Carbonare

[Via Nissan Newsroom] To mark this year’s Tokyo Auto Salon, the Nissan Global Media Center invited journalist and GT-R enthusiast Dino Dalle Carbonare to choose his favorite tuned versions of the supercar.
In all, Carbonare, senior editor at Speedhunters, singled out five very special Nissan GT-R models at Asia’s largest annual tuning and customization show.
日本で活躍している自動車ジャーナリスト、 ディノ•ダッレ•カルボナーレ氏が東京オートサロン2014のGT-Rチューニング事­情を解説します。

NISSAN GT-R NISMO Development Story

[Via Nissan Newsroom] Documentary movie of behind-the-scenes of Nissan GT-R NISMO vehicle development. Includes testing scenes from Nurburgring, Sendai, and France, with interviews and attack lap which marked 7:08.679 at the Ring.
NISSAN GT-R NISMO開発の軌跡を追ったドキュメンタリー。独ニュルブルクリンク、仙台ハイラン­ド、フランスの風洞実験場での開発風景や関係者インタビュー、7:08.679をマー­クしたタイムアタックまで。

Michael Krumm Attacks Nürburgring in a Nissan GT-R NISMO

[Via Nissan Newsroom] Full in-car shot of Michael Krumm, racing driver and NISMO Brand Ambassador, setting record lap time of 7:08.679 at Nürburgring Nordscheleife on the Nissan GT-R NISMO. Audio track includes his own comments.
ミハエル・クルム選手がNISSAN GT-R NISMOを駆りニュルブルクリンクで7:08679をマークした車載動画。本人のコ­メント付。