【在庫希少】GT-R 日産純正部品 カーボン製リアウーファーパネル / GT-R Nissan genuine Parts carbon rear woofer panel Stock scarcity

GT-R 日産純正部品 カーボン製リアウーファーパネルですが、海外の方に人気が高く、多数お問い合わせを頂いております。



海外発送(送料別)も致しますので、ご希望の方はお問い合わせ ください。

通常モデルの樹脂製リアウーファーパネルと異なり、2009年発売のGT-R Spec Vと2011年発売のGT-R EGOIST(エゴイスト)の2車種はドライカーボン製のリアウーファーパネルが装着されています。

GT-R 日産純正部品 カーボン製リアウーファーパネル


GT-R Nissan genuine parts Although it is a carbon-made rear woofer panel, it is popular for overseas people and has received many inquiries.

We have already shipped a few items to Europe.

Only now it is a rare item that can only be purchased with gtrotaku. As it is truly stock only, the opportunity to get is now only!

We will also ship internationally (by shipping fee), so please contact us if you wish!

Unlike ordinary model resin rear woofer panels, two models of GT-R Spec V released in 2009 and GT-R EGOIST (Egoist) released in 2011 are fitted with dry carbon rear woofer panels.
Unlike other genuine parts, purchasing at dealers and Nissan Division sales is a very rare part that is required to present Spec V and EGOIST car verification.
Also, the list price is about 520,000 yen and it is a very expensive item.
Although the fitting year of parts is MY 11 ~ MY 14, it is possible to install on all GTRs from MY 07 to MY 17!

GT-R Nissan genuine parts carbon rear woofer panel
